Julkaisut / Publications
Käyttäjäinnovaatiot ja energiajärjestelmän muutos / User innovation and sustainability transitions
Hyysalo, S., Juntunen, J.K., Freeman, S. (2013) User innovation in sustainable home energy technologies, Energy Policy 55: 490-500. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421512010919
Juntunen, J.K. (2013, forthcoming), Domestication Pathways of Small-scale Renewable Energy Technologies, Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy.
Hyysalo, S., Juntunen, J.K., Freeman, S. (2013, forthcoming) Internet forums and the rise of the inventive energy user, Science and Technology Studies 26(1) 25-51.
Rinkinen, J. (2013) Reflection by Breaking – Understanding Transitions to Decentralised Energy Supply through Power Cuts. Micro Perspectives for Decentralized Energy Supply 2013. Proceedings of the International Conference. Rinkinen2013_proceedings_MPDES_2013
Heiskanen, E, Hyysalo, S, Jalas, M, Lovio, R, Rinkinen, J, Freeman, S (2012) Local experimentation and societal learning for sustainability transitions – does it work in practice? (Conference paper) 3rd International Conference on Sustainability Transitions
Ympäristöpolitiikka / Environmental policy
Heiskanen, E., Kuusi, H, Jalas, M, Rinkinen, J (2012) Local climate action in an ‘ordinary’ context. Paper presented at BSA Climate Change Study Group Event, Southampton 30-31.3.2012.
Jalas, M. & Rinkinen, J. (2012) Nuukuus: eilispäivän ruokaa ilmastopolitiikan pitopöytään. In T. Helne and T. Silvasti (eds) Yhteyksien kirja. Etappeja ekososiaalisen hyvinvoinnin polulla. Helsinki: Kela. Jalas&Rinkinen 2013_Yhteyksien kirja
Elinkaari- ja ajankäyttöanalyysit / Life-cycle and time-use analyses
Mattinen M., Heljo J., Vihola J., Hickman B., Kurvinen A., Nissinen A., (2012). Accounting and visualizing regional greenhouse gas emissions from housing, In: Proceedings of the 15th EMAN Conference.
Mattinen M., Heljo J., Vihola J., Nissinen A., (Accepted to the full paper submission) Determining and visualizing regional energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions of housing, Sustainable Building Conference (SB13), May 21-25, 2013, Oulu.
Mattinen M, Vihola J, Juntunen J, Heljo J, Hickman B, Kurvinen A, Hyysalo S, Nissinen A Regional carbon footprints of housing and relevance of user-inventions for heat pumps. Paper presented at 18th SETAC Europe LCA Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark, 26-28 November 2012.
Nissinen A., Mattinen M., Rantsi J., (2012) Avainindikaattorit asumisen, henkilöliikenteen ja ruoan ilmastovaikutusten seurantaan, Tieto&Trendit –lehti (Tilastokeskus)
Heinonen, J., Jalas, M., Juntunen, J.K., Ala-Manttila, S., Junnila, S. (2013) Situated lifestyles: I. How lifestyles change along with the level of urbanization and what are the greenhouse gas implications, a study of Finland, Environmental Research Letters 8(2). http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/8/2/025003/